B2C Invoice

Send invoices to your customers in the way they prefer to receive them

What is Logiq B2C Invoice?

Logiq B2C invoice is a collection of delivery channels for invoices, reminders, credit notes, and other payment requests to consumer customers. Electronic delivery channels are available in the Norwegian and Swedish markets.

How does it work?

When you use the B2C Invoice service, you send your B2C invoices to Logiq in one format. Logiq then validates and transforms the invoice to match the channel that the invoice shall be sent through. A “channel” in this case is a method of distribution.

You can decide if you want to force the channel yourself, or if Logiq shall decide the best available channel for each individual customer based on cost and customer preferences.

Available electronic channels in Norway
AvtaleGiro (Direct Debit)

AvtaleGiro is the Norwegian equivalent of direct debit (account-to-account payment). With AvtaleGiro, the payment request is sent electronically directly to the customer’s bank for settlement. This highly favoured payment service is mostly used for regular payments such as subscription fees, rent, municipal fees, insurance premiums and other routine expenses.

To enable the service, the customer (the payer) must sign an AvtaleGiro agreement with its bank. Logiq has access to the central registry where these agreements are available and can automate lookups to find and verify where agreements exist.

With AvtaleGiro, there is also a requirement to notify the payer about upcoming payments. The payee can notify the payer themselves, or Logiq can notify through the bank, through eFaktura, by e-mail or by mail.

eFaktura (eInvoice)

eFaktura is the Norwegian solution for sending invoices directly to the customer’s online bank. The invoice will not be charged to the customer’s account until the invoice is confirmed by the customer in their online bank, mobile bank, or by text message. With the latest version of eFaktura, consumers can agree to receive eFaktura from anyone – removing the need for individual agreements.

Logiq has access to the central registry for eFaktura recipients and can make lookups on your behalf to find and verify recipients who can receive eFaktura from you.

Available electronic channels in Sweden
Kivra (digital mailbox)

Kivra is a Swedish app and digital mailbox provider that can be used to receive and save important documents such as invoices. The digital invoices can be paid easily and safely directly in the Kivra app. The solution has close to 6 million users, making it an obvious electronic channel to reach your customers.

Logiq can do lookups in Kivra’s registry to find and verify recipients who can receive invoices from you.

e-Faktura (eInvoice)

e-Faktura is a Swedish network for sending electronic invoices directly to the customer’s online bank. The invoice will not be charged to the customer’s account until the invoice is confirmed by the customer. The consumer will register with their bank that they want to receive e-Faktura from an invoice sender.

Logiq has access to the central registries for e-Faktura agreements, and can make lookups on your behalf to find and verify recipients who can receive e-Faktura from you.

Available channels in all countries
Smartmail and email

Logiq can use the email address of the recipient to send the invoice either as Smartmail or email.


We can print and mail the invoice for you – ensuring that you can reach any customer.

Optimize delivery and cost with Multichannel

With Logiq Multichannel, we can automate your B2C invoice distribution across delivery channels. Just send us the invoices in one format, and we will transform and deliver them to your customers in the way they prefer.

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