New milestone in Swedish e-invoicing
NEA eRegister is the Swedish address registry for digital business communication. Until now, the registry has been available only to VAN-operators. With the latest update and new website, the registry is open for anyone who wants to search for digital business addresses.

NEA (Nätverket för Elektroniska Affärer / Network for Electronic Business) is a member-run Swedish non-profit organization. They offer a neutral and independent network for anyone interested in, or active in, e-business.

To speed up the digitization in Sweden, the members of NEA (VAN-operators) have collaborated in establishing an electronic registry of digital business addresses. This registry, NEA eRegister, can be used to determine a business’s ability to send and receive electronic business documents.

Until now the registry has been available only to the VAN-operators themselves, but last week the web page www.neaeregister.se was presented as an easily available and public registry. This means that any company can use the webpage to determine whether their business partners can send and receive electronic business documents.

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