Logiq represented in OpenPeppol
We are happy to announce that Andreas Bye, Project Manager in Logiq and a seasoned Peppol expert, is elected as member of OpenPeppol Post-Award Change Management Board (CMB).

OpenPeppol is a member-driven non-for-profit organization that enables public and private organizations to send and receive standardized business documents in an open and secure network. They also deliver the governance to make it work, with a binding agreement structure to ensure compliance.

Within OpenPeppol there are several communities responsible for the different parts of the community as a whole. The Post-Award community is responsible for the document formats exchanged after a business agreement is reached. Typically, this includes invoice, order, order response, despatch advice, catalogue, and more.

The Change Management Boards make decisions on issues related to Requests for Change for Peppol specifications and agreements and make recommendations to the Coordinating Committee(s) for issues affecting more than one community. The Change Management Board members are elected by the relevant communities.

The OpenPeppol Post-Award Change Management Board now consists of Andreas Bye (Logiq), Ahti Allikas (OpusCapita), Simon Foster (Xero), and Eva Wärnå (DIGG).

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