Document Control

Logiq Document Control is a service that automatically checks and corrects all incoming documents according to your own business rules.

Ensuring data quality

EDI and electronic invoicing can offer major advantages by reducing manual data entry and data control in the related business processes – enabling automation and efficiency. However, such advantages can be greatly compromised by missing or misplaced data in the electronic documents.

Logiq Document Control helps you reduce manual work related to receiving electronic business documents when the data is not received as expected. Using innovative technology, the documents are analyzed and validated against your business rules to determine any inconsistencies.

How does it work?

With Document Control in place, the documents are analyzed and validated when they are received by Logiq, and any issues are detected and resolved before the documents are delivered to your organization.

Many of the detected deviations can be automatically corrected based on the algorithms in Document Control, and the document can be swiftly forwarded to your internal systems for further processing.

However, if a document contains issues that cannot be corrected automatically, you can create automated rules for how the service should act on your behalf:

  • The document can be stopped and made available for you to correct yourself before it is sent to your internal systems.
  • The sender can be notified of the issue and made aware of your requirements. The document is stopped, and the sender must correct the issue through an online portal before it can be further processed.
  • The document can be marked to indicate which elements require attention, before being sent through to your own systems. The sender will be notified of the problem and your requirements, and encouraged to correct the mistake in any future documents.

Enabling Logiq Document Control for your inbound documents results in a significant reduction in manual labor, and an optimized document flow into your organization.

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